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Monday, December 5, 2011

How to block and unblock friends on facebook?

How to block friends on facebook? The answer of this question is important to understand because it helps you in keeping the spammers away from your profile.
The procedure of blocking friends on facebook is very easy. But in this article, it will not only be told that “how to block friends on facebook?” but it will also be taught that how to unblock them? First let us see the details on “how to block friends on facebook?”
First method:
This method is quite straight forward. Go to the profile of the person you want to block. Drag the page down and in the left corner, you will see the option saying “block person”. Click on that and have the person blocked from your list.
Second method:
When you log-in into your facebook profile, you see a little arrow made with the “home” option in the upward right corner of page. Click on that arrow and go to “privacy settings”. You will see a link saying “blocked people and apps” which will be present in the end of the page and towards the right side. Click on “manage blocking” written infront of the link. Go to the “name” option then and write the name of person you want to block and then click on the “block” written over there.
Now some details on “how to unblock friends on facebook?” will be discussed. In the privacy settings, there will be an option of “block lists” where you will find another option of “edit your lists”. Go onthat and unblock the people you have blocked before.

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